Personal Intuitive Development and Training With Julie

Work one on one with your mentor as a beginner or to advance your unique abilities.

Are you ready to use your intuitive psychic abilities? Do you feel like you're being drawn to find your spiritual path? Are you looking for your purpose? Do you feel stuck finding what's right for you?

Personal Intuitive Development is ideal for anyone who wants to instantly improve their intuition, discover what intuitive gifts they have and learn to give accurate psychic readings, as well as anyone who is being guided to find their purpose.

All of my training is live and in person with me NO RECORDINGS! 

There is so much you can gain by working directly with your mentor.

My fees are low to keep it affordable to those ready to move forward on their journey.

You will not find personal training anywhere else for these prices.

A little bit about me image
My name is Julie St George, I am an Intuitive Medium. I have had the honor to help hundreds of people in my New York practice develop there abilities. I am thrilled to say many have gone on to start their own businesses. As my journey evolved I also became a  Reiki Master, Life Coach, Grief Coach, and Interfaith Minister.
It has become my passion to share with people everything I have learned along my spiritual journey. My life has been transformed by believing in unseen energies.
My journey started in 2009 as did so many others this was considered the year of awakening. The pandemic of 2020 is going to create another widespread spiritual awakening. If you can feel the shift and feel like you're being pulled to open up then this is the training for you!!!


Developing your abilities means you are now willing to open your awareness to its fullest. If you now have the desire to learn as much as you can to unfold your purpose, then YOU are in the right place.This is your journey one that should be enjoyed with passion and understanding. If you have always wanted to do something to help others heal, then your will enjoy what you learn here. This training is about YOU! A one on one training with me in person.

Healing Healed Healer

When you are being guided onto a spiritual path generally you are healing from something. Its all part of the same process, its all one. Whether you choose to be a card reader, psychic, medium or a coach the main goal here is healing. That's what its all about sharing divine messages and mentoring to help others heal. I work best with individuals that choose to believe in divine energy from Angels, Guides, Spirits and what ever your higher power is. I do not work in darkness.

Subjects to consider image
Beliefs-Your spiritual ●journey
Daily grounding
Sacred space
Clearing your space
Your team
How to communicate with your team
Reading cards
Starting your business

And so much more...................

$160.00.................Two hour session

Psychic medium training image
Are you feeling a calling toward mediumship and have the desire to deepen your understanding of communicating with spirit?
 This training will help you align your energy to achieve communication with the other side. You will learn how to communicate, receive evidence and message from spirit. Becoming a voice for the voiceless is one of the most powerful and healing services we can offer someone.

$160.00....................... Two hour session
Become a spiritual life coach and expand your healing practice image
Attention all Healers, Readers, Intuitive, Mediums and Reiki Practitioners

I will teach you how to increase your business by coaching your existing clients. Learn how to incorporate all your services into your coaching sessions. 

  Get the tools you need to start your own coaching business. You can assist others through the grief process, help people achieve their goals, or connect with energy to promote healing. The possibilities in Spiritual Coaching are endless. Choose a specialty or have a general practice. Join me and become a Spiritual Coach. I am so excited you're here to learn more about starting your own coaching business. Coaching has been so rewarding for me and I know it will be for you too. I have made it easy and affordable for you to become a Certified Coach. You will work directing with me in person.  I look forward to working with you

Grief Coaching

Learn the tools and various approaches to effectively assist and support others overcome the challenges of grief. Grief Coach Certification Training is a 6-hour certification course. All requirements must be met prior to receive the certification. $425

Wellness Coaching

Learn techniques to help people change their thinking and behavior so that they can live their best lives by reducing stress and worry. Wellness Coach Certification Training is a 6-hour certification course. All requirements must be met prior to receive the certification. $400

Life Coaching

Learn to support others in setting goals, making decisions and helping them meet their potential through personal growth. Life Coach Training is a 6-hour certification course. All requirements must be met prior to receive the certification. $400

Spiritual Coaching

Learn to teach others to explore the unseen and develop their spiritual awareness through meditation, angel guides, spirit energy, and angel cards. A great enhancement for anyone pursuing Grief Coach Training Certification. Spiritual Awareness Training is 6-hour certification course. All requirements must be met prior to receive the certification. $475

Payment and Scheduling imagePayment and Scheduling image
Contact Information for payments and scheduling.


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or email me to schedule your first appointment